Human Resources - Frequently Asked Questions
If you need a letter stating your address, earnings or job status, please send a request by email to the Leave & Benefits Team, stating the purpose of the letter, your staff number and job title. If you have a salary certificate that needs to be completed and stamped by the University, please send a copy as follows:
a) A scanned copy by e-mail to the Leave & Benefits Team OR;
b) A hard copy by internal mail, marked:
Leave & BenefitsHuman Resources
TU Dublin, Grangegorman5th FloorPark House Grangegorman191 North Circular RoadDublin 7 D07 EWV4
If your post is aligned to a salary scale (please see the conditions of remuneration in your contract of employment) you should be entitled to an annual increment. Your increment date is usually provided in your contract of employment or letter of appointment. For each year of service that you complete within the University, you will move up one point of the salary scale. This is known as an annual increment. When you reach the last point on your current salary scale, you will then serve a number of years at a fixed point on the salary scale until you reach the final point. This is known as a Long Service Increment. For further information on regarding the conditions for determining starting salary and for the award of increments on appointment to permanent, fixed term/specified purpose wholetime or pro-rata part-time positions.
Monthly Payroll
Academic, Administrative/ICT, Technical, and Library (excluding Pro-Rata Part-Time) and Research staff are paid on a monthly basis by credit transfer to the bank account/building society account which you nominate. Pay day is normally on the second last banking day of the month.
Weekly Payroll
Hourly Paid Part-Time and Maintenance staff are paid weekly by credit transfer to the bank account/building society account which you nominate. Pay day is normally on Thursdays.
For queries on P45s, Tax, payslips and general pay queries, please contact
You should submit a doctor’s note to your manager no later than the fourth day of absence.
You should post your doctor’s note to your line manager.
It is only necessary to apply for social welfare benefit (illness benefit) if you are covered by Class A PRSI and are out sick for more than three days in a row. Your payslip will indicate if you are covered by Class A PRSI.
Annual leave should be taken within the leave year and it must be used within the first six months of the new leave year. Carry over annual leave not taken by this date will usually be forfeited. In exceptional circumstances and where there is a written agreement, for example by email between the staff member and their manager, the staff member may be allowed carry over annual leave beyond 30 June.
Email to get a new pin for Core Portal.
Information about updating your Academic Qualifications in Core Portal and a User Guide is available on the HR website at CorePortal
Email to get a new password for Core HR.
Email to get a new password for Infoview.
You may require what is called a “Balance Recalculation”. This can be done by your on-site administrator and only requires that you phone/email them. If your on-site administrator runs into any problems with the Balance Recalculation, they can contact Leave & Benefits and we will look into the problem from here. Please note that not all Balance Recalculations are the responsibility of Leave & Benefits but we will assist as necessary.
You should raise your grievance with your line manager in the first instance. If the matter is unresolved, it should be discuss with your Director. If the matter is unresolved at that point, you can formally invoke the University's Grievance Procedures which are available here.
The University recognises a number of trade unions for particular categories of staff i.e.
- Teacher's Union of Ireland (TUI): Academic Staff
- FORSA: Administrative, Library and IT Staff
- Unite: Technical Staff
- Group of Unions (FORSA Municipal Branch and SIPTU): Maintenance Staff
- Craft Group of Unions: Craft Working Staff
- Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO): Nursing Staff
Information on the pension scheme is available on our website here. Our website provides a range of information on retirement options as well as information on the retirement planning courses run by the Pensions Section. In particular you should refer to the explanatory leaflets which explains the various entitlements and options available to member of the scheme.
For all staff, please email
This information would have been provided to you on appointment and details of the scheme would have been notified to you then. It is also a condition in your contract of employment. Finally you will see the deduction of contributions to the pension scheme (called "superannuation") on your pay slip each month.
For most people the minimum contractual notice period is one month. However, we would ask that, where possible, staff members retiring on a voluntary basis would give three months notice so that the necessary arrangements for their retirement can be put in place.
Staff member who are not admitted to TU Dubiln's occupational pension scheme are entitled to contribute to a Personal Retirement Savings Account. TU Dublin can facilitate the deduction of contributions to PRSAs through Cornmarket. Details of the PRSA are provided on appointment and are available here.