PMDS Management Training

Performance Development for Strategy Implementation

Duration: Half Day

Course Trainer: Margaret Whelan, Ailbhe Roche, Anima Ganguly, Gabrielle Deegan


Target Audience:

Management staff in TU Dublin who are required to conduct PMDS Personal Development Plan (PDP) meetings with members of staff



On successful completion of this course participants will understand:

  • the threat of Unconscious Bias in Performance Management & Development
  • the role of PMDS in Strategy Implementation​
  • how PMDS enhances Employee Engagement​
  • the TU Dublin PMDS Process​
  • how to conduct an effective Performance Conversation & Goal Setting


1. PMDS & the role of the Manager including unconscious bias

2. PMDS & Strategy Implementation

  • TU Dublin PMDS Process
  • TU Dublin Strategic Plan
  • Developing Your TDP (Team Development Plan)

3. TU Dublin PMDS Process

  • Tools/Forms
  • How to have a Performance Conversation
  • How to set goals/targets
  • Conducting a PDP on-line


Linkedin learning modules for Managers;

LinkedIn learning modules for your team;