IEO Centre Lazer, FOCAS

Discover our Impact

Case Studies

Our impact case studies below highlight tangible outcomes and transformative solutions from our research endeavours. Each case study is written in clear accessible language and provides evidence for how our research has generated real change across academia, society, the environment, and the economy. You’re welcome to explore how our research contributes to the UN sustainable development goals, shaping a brighter future and making a meaningful difference in the creation of a better world together. The strength of TU Dublin in delivering new knowledge and real solutions to the challenges we face as a society in the 21st century is also celebrated in the TU Dublin Research and Innovation awards.

Research Impact

Research impact is the contribution that research makes to society, the environment, the economy, industry, culture, public policy and services, health and quality of life, and collaborations to achieve these. Many funding agencies, nationally and in Europe, now assess grant proposals for societal impact potential and are looking beyond traditional metrics of academic achievement to evaluate research excellence. We can help you to plan, develop and capture your research impact. We can help you promote your research and communicate important results beyond the university in accordance with the TU Dublin approved branding and marketing guidelines.

We can help you to build your research impact capacity. We can provide a wide range of supports including: workshops, mentoring, networking events, toolkits, tailored assistance, and drop-in sessions.  

Contact Dr Gordon Cooke, Research Impact Lead, at