Module Overview

Audio Design & Production

This second year module is designed to augment the practical and theoretical radio skills acquired in module RDPR H1008, Radio Production, with the emphasis on general audio design skills for use in not only radio but also the application of audio in other media. Designed specifically to integrate with the student’s experience of video and multimedia production as encountered on the course, the aim is for the student to understand the importance of good audio practice and utilise the concomitant concepts and practical skills in all further audio work. It also provides a good foundation for the concepts and skills presented in the third year module RDPR H3003,Advanced Radio Production.

Module Code

AUDO H2003

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Audio Principles

Fundamental Audio principles (wave theory, frequency response and dynamic range; sampling parameters) and their utilisation in modern audio technology.

Digital Audio

Digital audio formats and production tools (for example DAWs and filetypes); audio file format advantages, disadvantages and format conversion; editing and mixing in a DAW environment.


Basic music theory, editing and application in media production.

Designing Audio

Planning and creation of integral and necessary audio at each phase of production to achieve design briefs. Soundstage dubbing; vocal tracks, sound effects sourcing, creation (Foley) and effective utilisation.


Basic MIDI theory; software-based implementation and production.


Effects processing, equalisation (graphic and parametric), stereo imaging and emplacement.

Practical demonstrations, peer work in small groups and studio-based classes.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100