Module Overview

Global Marketing

- To enable students to gain an appreciation of pertinent issues that affect internationalisation decisions and strategies of SMEs and Large firms. The learning objective is to provide students with the necessary knowledge skills and techniques to make such decisions.

Module Code

BSST H4026

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

The Global Marketing Environment

Introduction to the Global Marketing Environment, Regional and Emerging Markets, Globalisation Issues, Assessing the Global Political and Legal Environment, Understanding Global Cultures and Buyer Behaviour, Understanding Global Social and Ethical Issues, The Global Competitive Environment, Technology in Global Markets, Regional and Emerging Markets.

Global Marketing Strategies

Benefits of Export Marketing, Theories of Internationalisation, Resources and Managerial Capacity, Triggers of Internationalisation, Initiation and Development of Export Activities, Motivation to Internationalize, Barriers to Export Initiation, Creating, Developing and Maintaining Competitiveness, SME’s and Internationalisation.

Analysing Global Market Opportunities

Global Customers, International Market Research, Information Technology and Business Intelligence, Sources of Global Market Information, Analysis of International Competitors.

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning in Global Markets

International Market Selection Process, International Markets and Customers, Global Market Segmentation, Assessing Market Potential, Selecting Target Markets and Segments, Strategic Segment Options, Positioning in Global Markets, International Niche Marketing for SMEs.

Global Market Entry Strategies and Channel Choice

Exporting decisions, Agents and Distributors, Strategic Alliances, Foreign Direct Investment, Licensing and Franchising, International Sourcing and Sub-Suppliers

The Global Marketing Programme

Brand and Product Decisions in Global Markets, Pricing Decisions and Terms of Access, Global Marketing Channels and Distribution, Global Integrated Marketing Communications Decisions, The Digital Era, Global Services Marketing, Managing Global Marketing Relationships.

Implementing & Coordinating the International Marketing Programme

International Sales Negotiations, International Sales Force Management, Organising Global Marketing Activities, Global Account Management, Control and Evaluation of the Global Marketing Programme, The Global Marketing Plan

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)40
Formal Examination60