Module Overview

Cross Cultural Management

This module initiates students into the multicultural organisation and the diversity associated with international businesses. It gives students an introduction to culture, change, multiculturism and cultural communication. It also provides guidance, skills and practical information to enable students to navigate a multicultural work environment.

Module Code

CCMT H1000

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

The Global Management Environment

Examine organisational culture in context - levels and facets of culture.The role of the manager and cultural assumptions. Dimensions of culture: Hofstede and GLOBE. Multiculturalism and ramifications for business. Overview of global cultures: Europe, Africa, Asia, America and Canada. Review of emerging markets and cultural clusters. PESTLE.

The Cultural Context of Management

Tensions between organisational and national cultures. Cultures in multinationals and transnationals. Diversity and transcultural competence in organisations. Understanding the Role of Culture

Culture and Corporate Strategy & Structure

Organisational structure, management and culture. Cultural dilemmas. The effects of culture on strategy and structure. Organisational structure, culture and control.

Cultural Communication, Negotiation & People

Understanding of cultural factors involved in negotiating and managing international teams. Skills for dealing with conflicts.Intercultural communication competence. Communicating in and between cultures. Developing a Global Management Cadre

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)30
Formal Examination70