Module Overview

Construction Technology

This module introduces the learner to modern building construction technology, the requirements of the building regulations and introduces current passive design approaches to the building form. Understanding its developed through sketch’s and drawing

Module Code

CONS 2103

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

1.  Modern Building Construction

Introduction to modern building technologies and methods


2.  Building Regulations

Introduction to the requirements of and compliance with the Building Regulations. Regulations for structural moisture control and resistance.  Assessment and control of structural thermal bridging.  EU standards for passive house design for non-domestic buildings and UK green building standards.




3.  Building Structure and Fabric


Introduction to substructure and description of various foundations types. Introduction to superstructure and description of various structural systems.

Building fabric systems including, curtain walling, cavity walls, damp proof membranes, cross-wall construction, timber frame construction, types of pitched and flat roofs and green roofs.  Floors including, RC slabs, metal decking, insitu framed structures/columns, precast concrete, RC & timber suspended floors.  Types of reinforcement and fire protection of steelwork.  Structural steelwork types and connections.  Portal frames, multi-storey structures, curtain walling & glazing. 


4.   Passive Building Design

Introduction to passive design using, solar shading, solar control glazing, daylighting systems, use of thermal mass and other emerging passive design approaches.

The module will use the following teaching and learning methods; lectures, discussion, case studies, problem-solving exercises/tutorials and self-directed learning/reading.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100