Module Overview

Advanced Database Technologies

This subject aims to build upon the basic database skills acquired in Database Fundamentals. The student will learn database design and implementation techniques, transaction management and will gain experience in the use of a cloud database.

Module Code

DBAS H2001

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change


Review of relational databases, 3-layer architecture of DBMSs, principal functionalities of DBMSs, Transaction Management.


Logical Design; Bottom Up Design, Normalisation to Third Normal Form and BCNF; Top-down Design, Entity Relationship Diagrams.


Advanced joins e.g inner, outer, left, right and full joins, sub-queries,constraints, indexes, Multi-level indexes and views, partitioning, Procedures, Functions and Triggers.

Cloud Database Introduction

Creating a RDS instance in the Cloud. Connecting to this new instance. Create a user and assign some basic privileges to the user. Login and test of new user, to include but not limited to the creation of tables, views, executing queries.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100