Module Overview

Energy Distribution Systems 1

This module imparts knowledge and skills to enable the learner to select and specify the components of an electrical distribution system.The module also introduces modeling and analysis of electrical power transmission systems

Module Code

DIST H3001

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Electrical distribution systems

Service providers distribution circuit:Service agreement and power quality issues. System typesHardware:Transformer; construction; location; rating; connection and protectionTransmission lines; overhead lines, types and electrical representation. Underground cablesGenerating plant characteristicsLoad characteristicsSubstations and protection technology

power transmission calculations 20%

Use of p.u. calculationsSteady state electrical transmission calculations

Control of electrical transmission systems

Control of power and frequency: Turbine governors, distribution of load between generators. Weakly connected systems.Control of voltage and reactive power: Generation and absorption of reactive power by generators, lines, and loads.Voltage control

Electrical power transmission modelling and simulation

Use models of selected portions of an electricity grid to study energy flow in the system, in normal operation, and in the event of selected network faults, generator outages, and weather events

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Formal Examination60
Other Assessment(s)40