Module Overview

Marketing Information Management

The purpose of this module is to equip learners with in-depth Excel skills and knowledge in order to enable them to manipulate, analyse, interpret and present complex data to aid effective decision making in a marketing context. This module will also serve as a foundation for information-based modules delivered in subsequent semesters.

Module Code

DMKT H1015

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Topic 1. The Marketing Information System & Decision making

Distinguish Data from Information, Nature of marketing decisions and the role played by the quality of data, analysis and information, The Marketing Information System - Components with a focus on digiltal cutomer 'footprints and trails'

Topic 2. Information Security

Threats to Information Security Vulnerabilities Protecting information resources Risk Management Controls

Topic 3. Excel Fundamentals - Core Skills

Basic Spreadsheet Operations and Functions, Formatting, Formulas, Advanced filters, Quick analysis,Structured tables, Ranges, Filters

Topic 4. Using Excel to analyse and Interpret Data

Sum, sort, average, etc more advanced functions: V/H Lookups, Linear regression, Data Integrity, Data consolidation, Data validation, Business rules

Topic 5 Using Excel to Present Data trends and other insights

Tables and Formatting, Graphing techniques, Linking Excel with Word and Powerpoint. Web query executions, hyperlinking worksheets, embedding and sharing worksheets. Lock and merge methods

Topic 6 - Advanced Excel Operations for decision making.

Advanced Formulas, Conditional Formatting, Advanced Charting, Pivot Tables, VBA and Macros. Data Simulation and Solver, Integrating Excel with other tools. Evaluate, Formula Autocomplete, PMT, PV, FV functions, SUMIF, COUNTIF, DATEIF. Advanced AND, OR functions. VLOOKUPS, IFERROR functions

Topic 7 – Using Pivot Tables, OLAP and Data Modelling

One dimensional PT, Grouped PT, Filter, Sort, Reports on PT, PT timeline control, Custom PT, Multiple summations, Slicers, Primary and foreign keys, Business intelligence, GETPIVOTDATE, CUBEVALUE functions, Asymmetric OLAP pivot tables, INQUIRE, POWERPIVOT add-ins.

Topic 8 - Exploiting Excel Productivity Tools

Apply important keyboard shortcuts, mouse shortcuts, work-arounds, Excel customisations in order to be able to work effectively and efficiently

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100