Module Overview

Market Research: Qualitative Methods

Situated in the context of key marketing research activities including new product development and understanding consumer behaviour, this module explores the design and practice of qualitative research. The module aims to provide learners with the necessary knowledge, skills and techniques to make evidence based decisions both within the research process, and from research findings. To this end, the module will enable learners to: 1. Identify a current research problem through critical review of previous research. 2. Design and execute a consistent, problem-centric, and ethically sound qualitative study. 3. Synthesise insights from extant theory and primary research findings to formulate and defend recommendations for real-life business situations. Consistent with this applied approach, the module incorporates guest lectures from industry practitioners, and integrated assessment with Marketing Management, DMKT H3016.

Module Code

DMKT H3015

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

The Research Process

Introducing Research and Marketing Research; Exploring the Iterative Nature of Research Practice; Situating Qualitative Research within the Research Process; Considering Qualitative Research for Marketing Research

Developing the Research Problem

Literature Reviewing; Qualitative Research Questions and Objectives

Addressing the Research Problem - Qualitative Research Designs

Case Study; Grounded Theory; Ethnography; Discourse Analysis; Phenomenology

Data Collection

Ethics & Access; Interviews (Semi-Structured, Unstructured, Storytelling & Narrative Inquiry); Focus Groups; Observation (Participant Observation e.g. mystery shopping & Non-Participant Observation); Additional Methods (Documents, Diaries, Projective & Enabling Techniques)

Data Analysis

The Process and Practice of Qualitative Data Analysis; Key Approaches (Grounded Analysis, Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis & Thematic Analysis); Computers & Qualitative Data Analysis

Solving the Research Problem

Presenting Your Research Findings; Research Findings & Making Evidence Based Decisions; Evaluating Qualitative Research; Revisiting the Qual-Quant Relationship

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100