Module Overview

Energy Auditing

This module aims to equip students with the ability to carry out a comprehensive energy audit of an existing energy system and also to develop monitoring and targeting tools.

Module Code

EAUD H3001

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

The auditing procedure.

Preliminary energy assessment based on historical billing data. Developing performance indicators and sourcing reference data.

Analysis of Energy Performance

Constructing basic demand models and the development of a Cusum monitoring.

Energy Conservation measures.

Develop a list of prioritized energy Conservation measures for a facility.

Performance of specific systems

Issues specific to some common energy systems, such as building fabric, heating and steam plant, HVAC, motive power, lighting, compressed air and waste handling plant.

Audit reports

Preparing audit reports and developing action plans with an emphasis on continuous improvement.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)40
Formal Examination60