Module Overview

Language Acquisition and Multilingualism

The purpose of this module is to introduce students to the specialized areas of Language Acquisition and Multilingualism and build on previous modules in Child Development. It covers theories and stages of first and second language acquisition and examines how second language acquisition in the Early Years may be similar to but also different to first language acquisition. It aims to sensitize students to the difficulties faced by children whose first language is not English coming into a monolingual and mono-cultural context. The naíonra, or Irish language setting will be included as an example of the development of bilingualism in young children. The module highlights the benefits of bilingualism and biculturalism for children and families.

Module Code

ECEC H3023

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Theories of First and Second Language Acquisition

Behaviourism; Innatism; Interactionism; Emergentism.

Stages of First Language Development

Cooing; babbling; first words; two-word stage; telegraphic language; development of full range of language functions.Brown's Stages and other frameworks will be used for defining milestones and identifying delays in language acquisition. The effect of disadvantage on language development will also be studied.

Stages of Second Language Development

Continued use of the Mother Tongue; non-verbal communication; the 'silent' phase; repetition and language play; telegraphic and formulaic speech; productive language use. Frameworks from empirical research will be studied and relevant supports at each stage will be considered.


Definitions of various types of bilingualism; the benefits of mother tongue maintenance; myths associated with bilingual development; strategies for integrating elements of the child's language and culture into the setting.


Students will engage in letcures and tutorials/workshops for the module and will be encouraged to reflect on placement and real life experiences, relevant to the module and theories. 

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Formal Examination60
Other Assessment(s)40