Module Overview

Child Protection: Policy and Practice in Early Childhood

This module is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of child protection policies and procedures and the particular responsibilities of practitioners in the context of early childhood services. The module aims to develop an integrated knowledge of the structures and organisational systems involved in the long term management of child protection cases and to develop the student’s assessment, reflective and intervention skills in order to effectively respond to the needs of children at risk. A critical overview of early intervention and family support services will be provided with an emphasis on the primacy of the needs and the rights of the child.

Module Code

ECHC H4014

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Review of relevant legislation, policy and practice

National legislation and child protection policies e.g. Children First; Childcare Act 1991; Education and Welfare Act 2000; National Service Delivery Framework; Our Duty to Care; Agenda for Children's Services; Better Outcomes Brighter Futures. First Five: A Government Strategy for Babies and Young Children, Aistear and Siolta Practice Guide

Key Investigative Reports

Kilkenny Incest Report (1993); Madonna House Report (1996); SAVI Report (2002); RCSI Report (2003); Ferns Report (2005); Ryan Report (2009); Murphy Report (2009); The Victoria Climbié Inquiry (2003).

Child Protection and Young Children

Listening to children; communication skills with young children; The Stay Safe Programme and the Younger Years; needs assesements; working with parents; therapeutic interventions with young children

Prevention Strategies

Early intervention; family support services; parental support and training; specialist services.

This module is delivered through lectures. There are also opportunities for students to engage in theoretical practice and to relate this to their own practice experience. Students are guided to set reading materials and are required to reflect on these and contribute to group discussions.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Formal Examination60
Other Assessment(s)40