Module Overview

Media Entrepreneurship

The aim of this module is to encourage an understanding of enterpreneurial behaviour at both micro and macro levels.It aims to bring students to a level of business knowledge, which would enable them to identify and anticipate new markets and business opportunities, conduct feasibility studies and respond appropriately within the media industry.

Module Code

ENTR H3006

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change


Definition of the entrepreneur, the importance of small business sector in Ireland, Audio-visual business environment; obstacles to enterprise development, freelance operators, the history of media production in Ireland.

The Nature of the Entrepreneur

Profile of the entrepreneur; motives, personality traits, qualities and characteristics

The “Idea” and Planning Stage

Sources of new ideas, looking for competitive advantage, market research, marketing planning, feasability studies, drafting the business plan, choosing a legal form of business, registration of the business

Financing the New Enterprise

Sources of finance; short, medium and long term sources, EU and government programmes, state agencies, private sources, bank schemes, seed capital, venture capital, financial planning, media grants and broadcaster schemes.

Development of the Enterprise

Strategies for growth; licensing, franchising, technology transfer, joint ventures, sustaining growth, managing the pace of growth, managing cash flow during the growth phase, the role of public and private support agencies

The module is delivered through a combination of lectures, discussions and readings.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100