Module Overview

Games Programming 1

This module is tailored for first-year game design students, providing a structured journey into the world of programming for games. This module spans two semesters, with the first semester concentrating on basic programming principles through creative coding in Processing. In the second semester, students continue to develop programming skills, transitioning to a high level language, and gaining experience with the a game engine.

Module Code

GAME 1003

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Indicative Syllabus

Introduction to Programming: Understanding core programming concepts, variables, data types, and control structures.Creative Coding: Exploring creative coding principles using Processing to generate interactive visuals, animations, and artistic projects.Team Project: Collaborative creative coding project development, emphasizing teamwork and creativity.Introduction to Python or C#: Learning a programming language fundamentals and syntax.Game Engine: Introduction to a game engine and its scripting capabilities for game development.Game Programming: Creating simple games, covering game mechanics, scripting, and asset integration.Game Project: Developing a game project individually or in teams, demonstrating their game programming skills.

Class time is split into a series of interactive “studio classroom” based lectures and  self-directed problem solving in labs. In lectures, students will bring laptops with appropriate software and development kits, so that examples can be coded live. In addition, students  will be expected to proactively and independently seek out resources on the internet and

from the library to supplement their own learning.

A Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) will be employed to distribute all teaching

materials and to support student interaction with both other students and academic

staff. Social networks will be used to encourage student engagement. Students will have the opportunity to compete in various software competitions such as Robocode, the ACM Collegiate, Games Fleadh and the Imagine Cup. Students will be expected to use an online CVS to build an ePortfolio.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100