Module Overview


The study of gastronomy will complement, draw together and build upon the practical elements of the programme and will require learners to research information that must be culinary oriented within the industry context.

Module Code

GAST H1003

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change


Gastronomy defined, Gastronomy and society, Gastro-geography, Gastro-history and the four orders of Gastro Tourism.

Historic Influences on the Development of Gastronomy

History of food products, utensils and techniques.Development of European and international Gastronomy.History of food and cooking in Ireland - historic memorabilia (menus, equipment, books, museums). Evolution of service styles. Effects of the famines on Irish Gastronomy.

Traditional and Contemporary Culinary Influences

Concept cuisines, traditional and contemporary. Research a number of famous chefs/food writers/food critics who have contributed to Irish and international Gastronomy. Examine the changes in consumer behaviour to include healthy eating, popular diets, organic foods, ready made meals, dinner kits. Factors influencing these changes. Conduct a time-line of culinary landmarks (food fashions) in Ireland to date.

Socialisation, Food and Culture

Food and culture. Food ideology. Ethnocentrism. Food forums/symposia. Social functions of food, prestige and status. Food and fashion. Feasts and festivals, rituals and sacrifices. Food symbolism, body food, soul Food, food and religion .

Food Choice

Models of buyer behaviour and food choice. Political influences on food choice, the European Union, and other relevant policies.Models of buyer behaviour and food choice. Psychological influences on food choice, personality and motivation, peers, family traditions, changing lifestyles, attitudes and behaviour. The importance of healthy eating.


Tasting categories, the taste bud test, human senses. Consumer behaviour. Terroir of food The marriage of food and beverages. The Meal Experience analysed.

Lecture-based, technology-based, individual and group-based, and inquiry-based learning.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100