Module Overview

Forensic Genetics

This module has been designed to give the student an understanding of forensic genetics from the collection of biological evidence, to the analysis, interpretation and presentation of the DNA evidence. Theoretical aspects of this module are complemented by laboratory experiments delivered in the ‘Laboratory skills in DNA and forensics’ module in this semester.

Module Code

GENS H3001

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

The genome and forensic genetics

Organisation, structure and diversity of genome; Tandem repeats, Single nucleotide polymorphisms, International bodies related to DNA profiling.

Collection, characterization and storage of biological material

Sources of biological evidence; collection and handling of material at crime scene; identification and characterisation of biological evidence; evidence collection; sexual and physical assault; presumptive testing, storage of biological materials

DNA extraction and quantification

Principles of DNA extraction, extracting DNA from challenging samples, Quantification of DNA

The polymerase reaction

DNA replication as the basis of PCR, reaction components, PCR process, inhibition, sensitivity and contamination issues.

Analysis and assessment of short tandem repeats

Structure of STR loci, STR multiplexes, detection of STR polymorphisms, Interpretation of STR profiles, stutter and split peaks, pull up, low copy number DNA, mixtures, degraded DNA

Statistical interpretation of STR profiles

Population genetics, Deviation from hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, estimating frequencies of STR profiles, correction factors for profile frequencies

Evaluation and presentation of DNA evidence

Hierarchies of propositions; 3 approaches to evaluation of DNA evidence: frequentist approach, likelihood ratios and Bayesian approach.

Data management and DNA databases

LIMS system for data management, Irish DNA database legislation, UK and US DNA databases, Familial searching

Kinship testing

Application of DNA profiling to paternity testing and identification of highly compromised human remains

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and lineage markers

Detection of SNPs, forensic application of SNPs, mtDNA genome and hypervariable regions, applications of mtDNA profiling in forensics, Y chromosome polymorphisms; forensic applications of Y STR profiling, role of next generation sequencing.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Formal Examination70
Other Assessment(s)30