Module Overview

Company and Partnership Law

The aims of this module are to provide the student with a knowledge and understanding of Company Law and an introduction to Partnership Law. This knowledge and understanding will enable the student to liaise effectively with legal advisers, limit the legal exposure of the business and conduct business through, and with, partnerships and companies. As law is an ongoing and dynamic subject the syllabus content will be expanded or modified, as the case may be, to reflect developments in the law set out in this module.

Module Code

LAWS H3005

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Company Incorporation

Corporate personality and lifting the corporate veil. Formation and types of companies. Constitution and capacity. European company. Comparison between company, partnership and sole trader. Registration of business name.

Directors and Secretary

Appointment and removal of directors. Directors' duties and authority. Appointment and removal of secretary. Duties and authority of secretary. Restriction and disqualification. Director of Corporate Enforcement.

Shares, Debentures and Security

Types of shares and debentures. Market abuse. Charges and effect of security. Appointment, powers and duties of receivers.


Voluntary and court liquidations. Appointment, powers and duties of liquidators. Fraudulent and reckless trading. Unfair preference.

Court protections

Appointment, powers and duties of examiner. Effect of protection. Scheme of arrangement and approval by the court. Examiner's remuneration, costs and expenses.

Partnership Law

Nature and Formation of Partnership. Powers and duties of Partners. Contracts with partnerships. Dissolution of Partnerships.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)30
Formal Examination70