Module Overview

Re-imagining Documentary

This module challenges learners to consider the changing role, structure and content of the contemporary documentary. Issues such as the role of subjectivity, the evolution of documentary modes of address, the interrelationship between factual and fictive storytelling and the centrality of the image to our understanding of contemporary culture will be interrogated.

The role of documentary within the broader discourse of what might be termed postmodern history will also be considered.

Module Code

MED 9101

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change


Enlightenment concepts of reality. (Kant)The interaction between factual and fictional narrative forms. (Nichols, Renov, Derrida)Documentary and subjectivity (Barthes, Winston)Documentary modes of address (Nichols)New historical discourses (White, Musnslow, Rosenstone)Ethics in documentary (Frost, Winston, Pryluck)Conceptualising the documentary (Curran Barnard)Documentary and contemporary cultural critique (Debord, Baudrillard, Hall)

The module will involve a series of lectures, class discussions, screenings, work-based learning and independent learning, for which selected readings/screenings will be assigned.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100