Module Overview

Applied Software Systems Analysis and Design

A comprehensive treatment of the analysis and design portions of the software development lifecycle and applicable contexts, across various methodologies and levels of abstraction.

Module Code

OOSD H3002

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Software System Analysis and Design Overview

Analysis and design as concepts and as concrete activities of the software development process; difference between analysis and design; analysis- and design-related contextual dimensions such as level of detail, structural vs. behavioural view, methodology and development lifecycle stage.

Software System Analysis

Functional and non-functional requirement gathering; refinement of requirements; actors and use cases; detailed behavioural and structural analysis; analysis patterns; diagram types for analysis.

Software System Design

Architecture-level design (Rational Unified Process with 4+1 views, Attribute-Driven Design); detailed design constructs; detailed design optimisation and trade-offs; design pattern types (instance vs. all-pervasive); well known design pattern sets such as GRASP and GoF; diagram types for design; data persistence and object-relational mapping.

Design quality

Quality predictors in software design and their relationship to system qualities.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)50
Formal Examination50