Module Overview

Material Structure

The aim of this module is to familiarise students with crystallography. Starting from a classical description of the atom, the course will demonstrate to the student how atoms form molecules and crystals. The course will also examine defects in these crystals. The aim is to provide students with a vocabulary and skills to understand different types of crystalline matter and the effects of defects in such matter.

This module will introduce the student to the structure of matter in the solid state. The purpose of the course is to show the student how structure at the atomic level has a real and predictable effect on the macroscopic properties of solid-state matter.

Module Code

PHYS 2704

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change
  • Review of the Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom
  • Atomic line spectra (continuous, absorption and emission), hydrogen spectra, energy levels, the Bohr Model of the hydrogen atom, stable orbits.

    • Multi-electron atoms

    Quantum numbers, electron configuration, orbital shapes and sizes, Hund’s First Rule, the Pauli Exclusion Principle, the Aufbau Principle,

    • The Periodic Table

    Explaining the origins of the rows and columns on the periodic table, ionisation energy, electron affinity, electronegativity, explaining trends in the properties of atoms across the periodic table.

    • Bonding

    Ions and ionic bonding, covalent bonding, metallic bonding. Van der Waals bonding.

    • Conductivity

    Drude Theory, Wiedemann Franz Law, Matthiesens Rule.

    • Crystallography

    The difference between crystalline and amorphous materials. Perfect crystals, the Bravais Lattice, unit cells, basis, structure, the 14 crystal systems and planar and volume packing fractions. The number of effective atoms per cubic unit cell. Calculating the packing fractions of simple, body-centred and face-centred cubic units cells. Lattice parameters and specifying points, directions and planes in a unit cell (Miller indices). Calculating inter-planar spacings.

    • Diffraction

    Bragg Diffraction and its use in determining the inter-planar spacing of a crystal.

    • Crystal Defects

    Point, line and planar defects. Energy associated with defects.


    Laboratory Experiments

    • Determination of crystal structure using Bragg diffraction.
    • Determination of wavelength in the visible emission spectrum of atomic hydrogen.
    • Simulation of crystallographic structures.
    • Observation of crystal growth.
    • To investigate the Hall effect and, to calculate the charge carrier concentration in a semi-conducting sample.

In-class lectures incorporating tutorial material and laboratory exercises aligned to the module content. 


Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Formal Examination36
Other Assessment(s)64