Module Overview

Career Preparation and Structured Placement

This module spans years 1 to 3 and provides students with the opportunity to develop key attributes that will enhance employability skills and thus their career prospects in physics broadly, encompassing both research and industry based careers.  The module aims to enhance professional skills and to increase engagement within the programme.   This will be achieved through a series of structured activities throughout years 1 and 2 and semester 1 of year 3, enhanced and documented through the production of an ePortfolio and will culminate with placement in semester 2 of year 3.    

The module is designed to offer opportunities for students to actively engage with their peers, with staff and with industry and research professionals.   Students will have the opportunity to develop the skills required to become a professional physicist including communication, critical thinking, scientific writing,   In particular, within each academic semester, students will have the opportunity to reflect employability skills that they developed.

The module culminates in the second semester of Stage 3 with each student undertaking a period of structured placement in an industrial or a research setting. The Placement starts, at the beginning of Semester 2 and lasts for seven months. During that time the student is a full time employee of the Placement Company/Institution. A detailed description of the operation of the Placement aspect of this module is outlined in Appendix 2 of the Programme Document.

Module Code

PHYS 3832

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Production and maintenance of ePortfolio.

Introduction to and exploration of key employability skills and DIT Graduate Attributes

Expand awareness of career opportunities in industry through presentations and related assignments

Expand awareness of career opportunities in research through presentations and related assignments

Career planning including CV preparation and Interview skills


Placement takes place commencing in Semester 2 of stage 3. 


Career Preparation


Seminars, workshops, industry and laboratory visits and presentations.



Work Placement

Specific to the normal business of the work placement provider (industry, research, hospital based).


Work Placement Alternative:

The quality and quantity of available Work Placement positions is dependent on the current industrial climate. In circumstances where a satisfactory Work Placement is not achievable an alternative to the Work Placement will be provided, which will comprise a specified combination of project work and coursework. The aim of this option is to provide an in-college alternative to Work Placement in industry. Students on such a Work Placement alternative are subject to the same monitoring and reporting procedures as for students on external placement.


*  Pre requisites: If the work placement pre-requisites (as listed below) are not satisfied by the student, the School of Physics reserves the right NOT to allow the student to undertake an external work placement.



  1. Actively participate in career preparation activities throughout years 1, 2 and semester 1 of year 3, including the completion of designated career focused activities in each semester, documented in an ePortfolio and including a reflection on employability skills. 
  2. Stage 3, semester 1, Stage 3, semester 1,  each student’s laboratory performance will be reviewed mid semester; students must be engaged with the physics laboratory and have scored an average of >40% in their laboratory reports at the date of the mid-semester review.
  3. Stage 3, semester 1, the physics laboratory component of each module must be successfully completed and passed.
  4. Placement Preparation – CV & Cover Letter preparation
  5. Interview Preparation – Interview Workshop Students fulfils the placement rules and requirements as set out in School of Physics Industrial Placement Handbook



Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)0