Module Overview

Fundamentals of Sociology

This module introduces the learner to the concept of society as an entity which forms the context within which community and voluntary organisations operate. This is a core subject of the course, as it will introduce the learner to the theory and practice of social concepts such as social stratification, marginalisation, belief systems and societal organisation. Emphasis will be placed on the structured nature of social inequality in society. This module concentrates on the discipline of sociology in a theoretical and global context, preparing the learner for Irish analysis in subsequent modules. The learner will explore the interface between sociological thinking and its impact on legislation, political trends, and community development.

Module Code

SACD H1017

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Introduction to Sociology

-What is sociology? -Origins of the sociological tradition

Sociological Perspectives


Foundations of society

-History of the development of society.-Changing patterns of society.-Hunting and gathering.-Horticultural and pastoral.-Agrarian, Industrial and Post-industrial.

The concept of culture

-What is culture?-Major components of culture (e.g. language, symbols, values, norms, materials).-Cultural diversity (e.g. interplay of culture with race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality socio-economic status).

Social divisions

-Social stratification.-Belief systems and the formation of marginalized entities.-The nature and measurement of social class.-Age Stratification and the social implications of aging-Social position of children -Dependency Theory (e.g. culture of dependency, global theories, dependency ratio)-Social position of children-Racism and ethnicity-Theories explaining racism (e.g. scapegoat theory, authoritarian personality theory, cultural theory).-Problems of terminology.-Prejudice and stereotypes.-Social domination and oppression.-Discrimination.-Majority and minority patterns of interaction (e.g. pluralism, assimilation, segregation, genocide).Gender and sexuality.-Patriarchy, gender stratification and sexism.-The women’s movement as a challenge to gender stratification.-Gender and work (e.g. paid work, household production).-Violence against women.-Resisting patriarchy (e.g. feminist theory).-Social change and sexuality.- Inequality.-Social class (e.g. upper, middle, working).-Social exclusion.-Defining and measuring poverty.

Changes in Irish society – postmodern society


Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)30
Formal Examination70