Module Overview

Social Policy

The aim of this module is to introduce the learner to the subject of social policy and its relevance for Community and Youth Work. Students will be introduced to the theoretical principles which influence Social Policy while a special emphasis will be placed on the Irish political and administrative system. Voluntary agencies and their activities will also be reviewed along with the main areas of policy provision relevant for those aspiring to work in the Community and Youth sectors. Social policies with specific relevance for Community and Youth Work, particularly those targeting disadvantage and social inclusion will be examined.

Module Code

SACD H1020

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Introduction to Social Administration and Social Policy

­ The meaning and scope of social policy in Ireland­ Areas of social policy provision.

Determinants of Social Policy

­ Socio-demographic factors. ­ Economic factors. ­ Social expenditure. ­ Social indicators and social planning. ­ Political and ideological factors. ­ Interest and pressure groups. ­ European Union influence as an increasing determinant of social policy.

Social Policy Formation and Evaluation

­ Stages of social policy formation­ Social Partnership as mechanism for social policy formation­ Pressure groupso Pressure groups in the community sector­ Citizenship­ Social Policy Implementation­ Social Policy Evaluation

Income Maintenance

­ Social Insurance assisted schemes. ­ Benefits to support families. ­ Benefits in illness and disability. ­ Pensions. ­ Policy Issue

Social Policy in Relation to Specific Groups in the Community

Social policy provisions for specific groups in the community such as: young people; families, older people; persons with a disability; Travellers; refugees/asylum seekers.

Social Inclusion & Community and Youth Work

Formation of social policy and current developments in relation to social inclusion and Community and Youth Work; Mainstreaming social inclusion; Policy Responses to Poverty and Social Exclusion in Ireland/ Social Inclusion Agencies and Programmes and how these effect young people and communities; Community Development Initiatives e.g. - Community Development Support Programme (CDSP) - City and County Development Boards , The Local Development Social Inclusion ProgrammeHow developments in social security policy effect young people.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)30
Formal Examination70