Module Overview

Global Development

This module is designed to introduce the student to the area of global development from a sociological perspective, in the context of community development and youth work.

Module Code

SACD H4037

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

What is Development?

Defining development. History and origins of global development. Policies and approaches to development including a neoliberal, feminist, ecological and a human rights perspective. NGO approaches to development. Aid v’s Trade. Theories of Development such as Modernisation Theory, Dependency Theory, Globalisation theory and World Systems theory. Measurements of development (HDI v GDP)

Globalisation and Development

The complexity of globalisation and the positive and negative consequences. Learners will explore the relationship between globalisation and environmental degradation, the growing gap between the global north and global south and between privileged and excluded people, human rights violations, forced migration, and social democracy. Globalisation and the opportunities for increased access to, and knowledge of different cultures, science and technology, political systems, and treatment of marginalised/vulnerable groups in society

Education and Development

Learners will explore the role of education in development. Education as a fundamental Human Right. Understanding the concept of development education. Government and non- governmental organisations in the education sector. Politics of education. Gender Inequality and education. The work of Paulo Freire.

Health and Development

Explore social determinants of health including education, employment status, income level and gender, and their influence on the health of people around the world. Environment and wellbeing. Key national and international evidence regarding health outcomes among young people in Ireland and internationally. Epidemiology of infectious diseases including HIV, TB, malaria, diarrheal disease and smallpox. Life expectancy and mortality rates in the global north and global south. Privatisation of healthcare and its implications for healthcare provision.

Sustainable Development

Defining sustainable development. Explore the relationship between sustainable development and social justice, peace and security, economic development, agriculture and the natural environment. Linking the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), development education and the values of community development and youth work. Politics and the SDGS. Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and The Paris Agreement 2015. Major Conventions and Agreements related to sustainable development.

Tax Justice, Corruption and Development

Definition of tax avoidance, tax evasion and corruption. The real cost of illicit financial flows. Strategies to tackle illicit financial flows. Trends in corporate tax v’s personal income. Political parties and corruption. Debating Aid v’s Tax. Tax and Women's Rights. Ireland’s tax structure.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100