Module Overview

Engineering Surveying 2

This module assumes a basic level of survey technology and methodologies.

Initially, students are provided the opportunity to develop their practical skills in setting-up theodolites. Subsequently, more advanced technology such as total stations are introduced so that students are proficient in obtaining height and angular measurements.

Survey theory is developed to permit advance survey operations on site such as, establishing 3D control using ‘traversing’ and setting-out with coordinates.

Module Code

SURV 2021

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Traverse Surveys

  • Ordnance Survey maps.
    Use of coordinates as control in surveying.
  • Angles
    Sexagesimal system for angles (degrees, minutes, seconds) – addition and subtraction
    Vertical and Zenith angles
  • Theodolites.
    Description. Instruction in practice: Setting up and measuring horizontal and vertical angles.
  • Tacheometry:
    Principles. Instruction in practice: measuring linear distances using theodolites
  • Traverse Calculations: Easting and Northings of stations from field measurements – angles and distances.

Setting-out Procedures

  • Total Stations
    Description. Instruction in practice: Setting up and measuring angles and distances.
  • Setting out new works: Building lines and base lines, Control for plan position and height and use of grids
  • Use of travellers and sight rails for setting out drainage and foundation levels. Gradients and invert levels.
  • Setting out of horizontal and vertical curves

Surveys of existing building

  • Equipment used and methods of measurement.

Class based lectures with additional notes and question sheets in handout format and instructional videos.


Practical Field Work Assignments in Traversing and Setting out

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100