Module Overview

Client-Side Web Development

This module provides the student with the necessary skills to develop web pages and client-side web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The module will also Introduce Internet architecture and protocols.

Module Code

WEBD H2001

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Internet and WWW Fundamentals

History and Evolution of the Internet and WWW, Standards and Protocols (e.g. HTTP), Client – Server architecture (Web servers and clients, request-response life-cycle), Domain names and DNS, Hosting web pages and applications


Mark-up languages and standards (e.g. XML, HTML), Browsers and development tools, HTML page structure and organisation, HTML (elements, tags, attributes, lists, tables, etc.), The semantic web, Embedding media content (including file types and encoding).


Introduction (History, standards, browser compatibility, syntax, etc.), Adding styles to a web page, Cascading order (external, embedded, inline), Selectors (class, element, id, grouping), Pseudo classes, Typography, Colour, Box model (Border, padding, and margin), Layout and positioning (float, inline, block, alignment, grid), W3.CSS Containers, Unites (absolute and relative), Responsive CSS (media queries, relative sizing, etc.), Frameworks and libraries (e.g. Bootstrap, Semantic UI, etc.), CSS pre-processors (Less, SASS, etc.)

Client Side Scripting

ECMAScript based languages (JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, etc, history, standards, language features, syntax, libraries, frameworks, etc.), Adding JavaScript to an HTML page (script tags, external, embedded, inline, etc.), JavaScript coding, Debugging and testing, Event listening and handling, User interaction, The document Object Model (traversing, adding elements and nodes, etc.), Form validation, Introduction to asynchronous JavaScript and the Fetch api (retrieve data from an existing web service and display).

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100