Module Overview

Professional Practice 2.5

This module will develop the students’ knowledge of the principles of working in a hospital diagnostic laboratory as a Medical Scientist. It will introduce students to core elements of professionalism including but not exclusive to confidentiality, candour and disclosure, legislation and policies, codes of conduct and ethics within the scope of their practice. The module will introduce the student to the concept of service users and build on team working skills that will benefit the service user. The student will develop critical skills to enable them to draw on the appropriate knowledge to make informed decisions in their professional careers. The student will be introduced to quality management systems that relate to the clinical laboratory and how these work within the scope of accreditation of clinical laboratories.

Module Code

BIOL 2213

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Legislation and policies relevant to the clinicallaboratory (including those relating to Health and Safety, Employment, Tissue retention, Data Protection, Freedom of Information).

The importance of evidence based laboratory medicine and how knowledge is used to make informed decisions.

The importance of confidentiality in relation to relevant service users. Laboratory accreditation, the laboratory quality cycle, quality control and quality assurance.

Introduction to the principles of working in a clinical laboratory including workflow, automation and informatics.

Code of conduct for Medical Scientists.

The CORU standards of proficiency for Medical Scientists are covered, wholly or in part, in this module within the following domains 1.Professional Autonomy and Accountability (4, 9,10,11,12,13), 2.Communication, Collaborative practice and teamwork (4,9,13) 3. Safety and Quality (6,7,11,12,15,16,17) and 5. Professional knowledge and skills (4,17,19,21,29)

Lectures (9hrs), Workshops (4hrs) and student-directed learning to include a site visit to a teaching hospital.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100