Module Overview

Research Methods and Biostatistics

This is a skills driven module which will provide students with competence in various aspects of contemporary research methodology (e.g. project management, study design and evaluation, academic writing) with a view to enabling them to carry out hypothesis driven scientific research and to effectively communicate their findings to the scientific community. It will support the scientific development of the learner and provide a framework for lifelong scientific development and practice.

Module Code

BIOL 9223

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change
- Engaging with the literature: evidence, approaches to reviewing a topic; search strategies; use of IT tools to automate searches; digital markup; digital literature workflows
- Reference management: use of common reference management tools; 
- Scientific writing: structure; conventions; ‘telling a story’; preparation of figures and tables; 
- Presentation  skills: effective oral presentations; 
- Philosophy of science: approaches to science; paradigm shifts; 
- Research integrity and ethics: research misconduct; participant consent; 
- Research data management: record management; data security; data protection issues
- Study design: types of studies; levels of evidence; statistical fundamentals; 
- Research project management: planning a study; workpackages; goals; aims and objectives; 
Funding science: grants; applications; industry and charitable support

This module will be delivered using a blended approach suing WebCourses as the core e-learning package. Online teaching will use a combination of synchronous and asynchronous video sessions and tutorials (e.g. in use of a software package) as well as peer-to-peer discussions. A variety of online teaching and learning activities (several of which are not graded) are used to support the development of competence in the various key skills.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100