Module Overview

Risk, Protection and Resilience of Children and Vulnerable Adults

This course explores current and emerging key concepts and issues in the protection of children and vulnerable adults from multiple dimensions.  Relevant theories and practice will be discussed and analysed. The aim of the module is to increase the students’ theoretical understanding of risk, vulnerability and protection of children and vulnerable adults in all settings and to provide students with knowledge required. It will facilitate the consideration of protection as context specific and as a social construction, both nationally and internationally. It will also focus on a strengths-based and resilience perspective and include models of empowerment and social inclusion.

Module Code

CFCS 9008

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change


Concepts such as risk, vulnerability, protection, control, thresholds, resilienceDefinitions of the different forms of abuse and indicators, causal factors, effects and outcomes of abuse in children. Relevant protection procedures, guidelines, policies and legislation in relation to the protection of childrenCritical discussion of current issues relating to protection of childrenDefinitions of the different forms of abuse and interpret indicators, causal factors, effects and outcomes in abuse of vulnerable adults. Relevant protection procedures, guidelines, policies and legislation in relation to vulnerable adults (such as adults who are older, or  have  disabilities or suffer from a mental illness, or are trafficked,  are victims of intimate partner violence or belong to a minority group)Critical discussion of current issues in relation to protection of vulnerable adults

A variety of learning approaches will be used. These will include formal presentations, case studies, problem-solving studies, and small group activities. A number of guest speakers from a variety of relevant services will be arranged.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100