Module Overview

Software Development 1

The aim of this module is to introduce learners to fundamental concepts of software development with an emphasis on problem solving and computer programming. Introduce learners to programming applications. Introduce learners to the sequence, selection and iteration constructs. Introduce the learner to the array data structure. Introduce the learner to introductory Graphical User Interface development .

Module Code

CFSM H1014

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Introduction (5%)

Overview of Programming, Programming Language Environment, Program Format

Problem solving (5%)

Problem analysis, decomposition and solution design,solution verification, tracing, testing, critical cases, test casesProgram/Logic Flowcharts, Pseudo Code

Data types (5%)

Basic Data types, Strings,Variable declarations,Operators, expression evaluation, assignment,Basic Input/Output

Control Structures (30%)

SequenceSelection IterationNesting of control structures Compound Statement Methods (AND, OR, NOT)

Functions/Procedures (20%)

Modular Design,Method Declaration, Parameter Passing,Scope and Duration of variables,Returning values from functions,How methods contribute to Structured Programming

Arrays (20%)

Concept of Arrays,Creating arrays, accessing elements,Two-dimensional arrays,

Graphical User Interface Fundamental Concepts (15%)

Introduction to Event handling, Event Types and Listener Interfaces, Labels, Textfields, Buttons, Introduction to layout Managers: Flowlayout, BorderLayout, GridLayout

Module delivery will include both lecture and lab sessions, with a lot of hands on programming exercises and projects for students to practice their programming skills. 

Extensive use of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is also used in this module.


Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100