Module Overview

Public Cloud Computing

This module is deisign to discover what the cloud is, types of clouds available, and how these technologies can be used. It provides a detalied overview of cloud concepts, core services, pricing options, essential security in the cloud, basic architecture designs and support services. This module will also give the student an overview of the latest services and technologies that can be incorporated in cloud environments.

Module Code

CLCO H3002

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Cloud Concepts

Understanding of Cloud Computing philosophy and its value proposition

Billing and Pricing Models

Compare and contrast the various pricing models in the cloud. Recognise the various account structures and identify resources available for billing support.

Essential Security and Compliance

The students will be able to describe the Cloud Shared Responsibility Model. Define cloud security, compliance concepts and identity access management capabilities. Identify resources for security support.

Core Cloud Technology

Understand methods of deploying and operating in the Cloud and identity cloud global infrastructure. Operate core services and use resources for technology support.

Specialised Cloud Technologies

The students will be exposed to basic functionality of specialised cloud services such as IoT Services, containers and AI services.

Lectures, labs and independent study.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100