Module Overview

Engineering Graphics

This module aims to enable the student to communicate engineering information in the form of orthographic drawings.

Module Code

ENGR H1006

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

The design process

The role of drafting in the design process. The role of engineering technicians in the design process. Drawing fundamentals, engineering graphics to international standards as an international language. ISO and ANSI standards.

CAD environment

Menus toolbars, prompts, graphic region, data entry (ribbon, menus, keyboard, toolbars and mouse).

Coordinate systems

Absolute/relative, rectangular/polar.

Drawing aids

Snaps, grid, ortho, coordinates, object snaps, grips, filters.

Geometric entities

Lines, polylines, circles, ellipses, arcs, polygons.


Orthographic sketching, isometric sketching, line types, lettering, scale.

Orthographic drawing

3rd angle projection layout of views, use of construction geometry.

Basic dimensioning principles

Conventions, datum features, baseline, continuous and aligned dimensions, dimensioning of holes and radii.

Output devices

Printing, print settings, exporting/printing to file.

Modifying geometric entities

Trimming extending, stretching, scaling, copying, moving.


Layer conventions, hiding, freezing, layer attributes.

Drawing templates

Defining and applying templates.

Entity properties

Attributes and colours by layer, by entity.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100