Module Overview

Enterprise Architecture Deployment

Provisioning enterprise-scale infrastructure and software applications as part of CI/CD pipeline, continuous delivery, deployment and release management; deployment to private/public cloud at the IaaS/Caas/Paas level; case studies of DevOps in practice

Module Code

ENTP H6000

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Infrastructure as Code

Provisioning PaaS/CaaS/IaaS infrastucture in the public/private cloud using infrastructure as code. Configuration management using infrastructure as code. Provision infrastructure and manage configuration predictably and repeatedly. Control and track changes to Infrastructure. Best practices

Continuous Deployment and Release Management

Continuous delivery, deployment and release management of the artifcats produced from the continuous integration phase. Deploy to private/public cloud using IaaS, CaaS, or Paas etc. Deploying for non-functional requirements e.g. scale, orchestration (e.g. container clusters etc.). Continuous deployment suitability with respect to different types of applications and industries. Release management through dev/test/staging/production environments etc with approval workflow; deployment strategies (e.g. blue/green, canary, rolling) and change management (roll-back / fail-forward approaches and the shift from Push to Pull models of change propagation); vulnerability scanning and testing (e.g. Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP))

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

Monitoring of metrics associated with the CI/CD pipeline, security metrics, improvement of quality processes, application telemetry, dashboards

DevOps in practice case studies

Case studies describing the use of the DevOps paradigm in various industries;regulatory compliance and security as special considerations in DevOps rollouts; Organisational ‘blockers’, such as ingrained culture, cost of change, internal vs. external regulation disparity and lack of clarity regarding audit requirements. Advantages of moving to DevOps, e.g. fine-grained traceability, automated vulnerability scans and process predictability and repeatability.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100