Module Overview

Critical and Responsible Management

Companies have social and environmental impacts – both positive and negative, such impacts represent threats and opportunities for organisations.

The symbolic nature of the relationship between business and society is complex, but during recent decades the reach and impact business has had on society through mechanisms such as globalisation, technology, and more open trade policies has implications that are both visible and tangible. There are however many impacts and outcomes which are unseen and intangible; these along with laggard impacts and unintended consequences require deeper consideration.

This module is designed to provide students with the opportunity to evaluate the impact of business on society. While also considering society’s impact on business, students are required to reflect upon the responsibility of leaders to a wide group of stakeholders including the community, the environment and the wider society, thus becoming socially conscious leaders.

The module encourages students to challenge current practices, think critically and strategically to propose alternatives.

Module Code


ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Business and Society

Economic, social & political analysis (e.g. Marxism, Capitalism, Neoliberalism, Socialism) Critical theoretical analysis (e.g. Stakeholder theory, corporate citizenship theory, critical feminist theory, postcolonial theory, decolonial theory)An analysis of the relationship between business and society (business ethics, corporate social responsibility)

Responsible Business Practices

Responsible LeadershipDiversity and Inclusion Sustainable Development Goals & their incorporation within business

Social and Environmental Challenges

Current social & environmental challenges (Local and Global)Social innovation for social changeAlternative economic models

Social Impact

Defining Social impactExamples of social impactHow businesses drive social impact

The module is delivered through interactive class discussion and debate. Students will be encouraged to critically evaluate management practices, provoke change and explore alternatives.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100