Module Overview

Strategic Procurement Management

Procurement as a supply chain function has developed significantly over the decades, moving from being considered a purely administrative function to recognition that effective purchasing and supply chain management can contribute significantly to the success of most modern organisations. In many cases, it is not just considered a critical element in the strategic success of the organisation, but may indeed, be instrumental in providing or underpinning the organisation’s competitive advantage. Today the emphasis is on the total supply management process in the context of organisational goals rather than on the transactions associated with procurement.

This module is designed to enable the learners to position procurement within the supply chain and show how it can contribute to corporate and supply chain strategy; to explore the key procurement strategies and demonstrate their application within the supply chain; understand the fundamentals of ethical and sustainable behaviour when selecting and managing suppliers, and to develop the key procurement decisions, implications

and frameworks. This will be achieved by exposing learners to the tools and techniques used to improve the procurement capability of the organisation on a strategic, tactical, and operational level.

Module Code


ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change
  1. The role of procurement – role, objectives and policy. Procurement as a strategic function. The development of the procurement function within the corporate strategy/supply chain.
  2. Key strategic purchasing decision areas, e.g. outsourcing, supply base decisions, relationships development.
  3. Procurement processes. Balancing the rights of procurement.
  4. Procurement methods including tendering, e-sourcing, negotiation and competitive bidding.
  5. Vendor selection, appraisal and vendor management.
  6. Organising and managing the purchasing function as part of SCM.
  7. Procurement performance measurement.
  8. Sustainable and ethical procurement.
  9. Contract law and its implications for purchasing in the supply chain and for relationships within supply chain partners.
  10. Public sector procurement –constraints and procedures, and the differences from the private sector. 
  11. The pros and cons, applications and pitfalls, of Global procurement.

Blended teaching and learning via in class and online lectures, group discussions and presentations, activities and exercises, analysis of case studies, self-directed learning based on provided material, engagement exercises, learning reflections and individual assignment.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100