Module Overview

Aural 3

The goal of this module is to achieve professional competence in late-19th Century and 20th Century aural and musicianship skills, building on the skills attained in Aural 1 and 2. Students will study advanced aural skills using the language of this time period, enabling them to understand and perform elements of any musical score from this era. Students will be exposed to a wide range of techniques, styles, skill-building and musical contexts in order to achieve this aim.

Module Code

MUSG 3901

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

All rhythmic values in note/rest form within any time signature

Irregular and mixed meter, simple polymeter, simple tempo modulation

Intervals up to the compound octave

All scale types including major, minor, all modes, whole-tone, pentatonic, octatonic, overtone

Sonorities: All triads and inversions, 7th chords (Dom, MM, mm, Dim, Half-dim), and inversions

Chord successions using the above sonorities

Clefs: treble, bass, alto, tenor, soprano

Sequential, intensive skills-based approach in the areas of late-19th and 20th centuries through contemporary rhythm, melody, harmony, form, texture, and stylistic knowledge. Skills such as inner hearing, memorisation, dictation, simultaneous playing and singing, score-reading, transposition, and reading from multiple C clefs, with all content taught via the solfa tradition. 

The course features an incrementally calibrated sequence of musical elements taught using carefully selected materials and musical activities which are stylistically specific as well as developmentally appropriate. The resulting musical literacy gives students the ability to hear (internally) what they read, to write down what they hear, and to sing and conduct at sight using the materials of the late-19th through early 20th Century practice.


Specific methods will include the introduction of concepts via lectures, practical learning of concepts through demonstration and workshop, and tutorials on specific skill development (dictation, contextual listening, tuning, rhythmic precision, chamber aural/rhythmic exercises etc.). There will be two one-hour classes per week.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Formal Examination40
Other Assessment(s)60