Module Overview

Photography Practice 8: The Photobook

The photobook is, for many photographers, the most effective mode in which to present photographic projects to an audience. It has a significant and rich history which can be understood in relation to the expanded contemporary context of self-publishing. The aim of this module is to provide students with a range of conceptual challenges and technical skills in order to produce photobooks and printed matter as an expansion of their photographic practice. The module covers the process and production of a photobook, from idea to final printed object, while also considering and critiquing the status of the photobook in the photography market,visual arts more broadly and wider media practices. Students should have already completed a range of photographic projects and have the requisite experience with digital workflows and related software to design and realise projects for print. The module introduces the student to new possibilities for the presentation of their work in book form, which is sensitive to issues of content, reception and context. 

Module Code

PHOT 3022

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Basic principles of design and layout;


Sequencing strategies and editing of photographs for printed matter;


Page layout software package InDesign


Making photobook maquettes;


Approaches and strategies by a range of photographers to concept, design and production of photobooks and printed matter;


Papers and binding options for photobooks and printed matter;


Histories of photobooks and artists books;


Contemporary publishing: book presses, self-publishing and photobook festivals;


Digital image flow and digital printing processes;


Basic typography;


Protocols for working with  professional printers/print bureaux;


Illustrated lectures: to present the key concepts and practices;

Workshops: to enhance practical and technological skills and knowledge;

Group and individuals tutorials: to provide feedback to the individual and group.

Readings: to present the student with background material;

Seminars and group critiques: to engage in constructed criticism of student work.


Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100