Module Overview

Investment Valuation Techniques

The module provides students with an understanding of the property investment market and its interaction with the wider investment market. It deals with property investment appraisal techniques and the measurement of risk and return in market context. This module encourages the student to explore the application of both traditional and developing cashflow and discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation techniques within the framework of the real estate investment market.

Module Code

RECE 9010

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

Content to be covered includes: 

  1. The role of the valuer and the valuation process
  2. Valuation bases (RICS)
  3. Valuation principles 
  4. Term & reversion method
  5. Hardcore method
  6. Inducements 
  7. Leasehold valuations


Lectures and tutorial based investment appraisal workshops.

Self-directed learning requiring learner to access  recommended reading, property newspaper vignettes and web sites

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Formal Examination100