Module Overview

Construction Economics

A sustainable construction and built environment sector is critically important to the Irish and global economy. The purpose of this module is to provide a foundation in macroeconomic principles and their applicability to the

construction and built environment sector.

The module addresses macroeconomic objectives including, employment, economic growth and development, inflation, international trade and sustainable development. The contribution of the construction sector to the attainment of macroeconomic objectives is a central theme of the module. Prevailing government policy is examined and analysed throughout.

Upon completion of the module learners will be able to source, interpret and analyse economic data for a sustainable construction and built environment sector in Ireland.

Module Code

RECE 9130

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change
  1. Economic Growth: measuring economic growth; production and consumption; economic development; resource efficiency; population trends;
  2. Construction and Built Environment Sector: housing, infrastructure, commercial sectors. Production, consumption and waste. Sustainable built environment and circular economy.
  3. Construction Labour Market Economics: construction labour markets and productivity;
  4. Construction Cost and Tender Price Inflation: consumer price inflation; construction cost and construction tender price inflation.
  5. International Trade: exports, imports and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI); Balance of Payments and exchange rates.
  6. Sustainable Development: resource use and efficiency; economy, environment, social objectives; SDGs; public policy
  7. Government Policy:  public policy; fiscal and monetary policy; Fiscal/Budgetary and Monetary policy; National Development Plan; Climate Action Plan; other prevailing government policy

Economic Growth

measuring economic growth; production and consumption; economic development; resource efficiency; population trends;

Construction and Built Environment Sector:

housing, infrastructure, commercial sectors. Production, consumption and waste. Sustainable built environment and circular economy.

Construction Labour Market Economics:

construction labour markets and productivity;

Construction Cost and Tender Price Inflation:

consumer price inflation; construction cost and construction tender price inflation.

International Trade:

exports, imports and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI); Balance of Payments and exchange rates.

Sustainable Development:

resource use and efficiency; economy, environment, social objectives; SDGs; public policy

Government Policy:

public policy; fiscal and monetary policy; Fiscal/Budgetary and Monetary policy; National Development Plan; Climate Action Plan; other prevailing government policy

The methods will vary according to the nature of the subject matter, but include a combination of lectures, workshops and classroom discussion.

The module is delivered in a hybrid model with alternate weeks being in-person in-campus and the remainder delivery synchronously online.

Learners will have access to module materials via the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) wherein lecture notes, case studies and supporting reference materials will be available.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100