Module Overview

Climate Change Optional module

Climate Change, what it is, how it’s happening, drivers of warming, global, national and individual emissions, carbon cycle balances.

Mitigation by reducing, then phasing out carbon emissions, low carbon energy grids, sustainable transport, buildings and land use change. 

Adapting to multiple concurrent changes in weather patterns and natural species, land use changes, water supplies, agricultural practices, food supplies and habitation in built environments with increased flooding and sea level rise.

Adapting lifestyles within existing constraints, to increasing extremes of heat, increased disease spread.

Module Code

TFEL 4005

ECTS Credits


*Curricular information is subject to change

The Physics and Chemistry of Global Warming

Climate system balance and Green House Gases.

Evidence of the range and rate of past climate changes from cryosphere and other sources.

The evidence from Greenland and Antarctica on past climates.

Economics of decarbonising and tipping points.

Stern reports, costs of sustainable tech, the known unknowns of climate system tipping points and potential timescales.

Sources of emissions

Global, EU, national and personal emissions of GHG’s from energy, transport, land use and land use change, food production, waste and residential heating & cooling.


Mitigation of emissions at global, EU, national, community and personal levels.

Sea Level Rise

Global sea levels, causes, rate of rise, defences and impact on loss of productive land and flooded cities.

Rainfall distribution, norms and extremes.

Rainfall patterns, water supplies, flooding, habitation, water usage, linear and circular water systems.

Food production.

Food production, rainfall patterns, droughts, temperatures, pests. effect of small changes in growth conditions on crop yields.

Heat, humans and other species.

Human communities, temperature, productivity, lifestyle and disease.

Lectures, presentations, group discussions, numerous selected short video clips will be viewed and discussed.

The content is then assesses through the series of short invigilated online quiz's which are integrated into the lecture series.

Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown %
Other Assessment(s)100