What are Micro-credentials?

Micro-credential courses are small, accredited courses designed to meet the demands of learners, enterprise and society. TU Dublin micro-credential courses award between 1 and 20 ECTS. Micro-credentials are a form of recognition awarded for completing a specific set of educational activities focused on a particular skill, knowledge area or competency. These credentials are smaller and more targeted than traditional degrees or certificates, and  provide learning opportunities which offer a highly flexible, bite sized and accessible way of up-skilling and re-skilling. They can take the form of: digital badges, nano-degrees or micro-certifications.


Learners may choose to undertake an individual micro-credential or continue studying, advancing skills and knowledge over time. The flexibility of micro-credentials allows learners to access education in small, manageable units, accommodating life and work commitments.

Benefits for Learners:

  • Flexible courses that fit around work and personal commitments
  • Accredited by leading universities
  • Quality assured courses
  • Boost career progression or a career change
  • Tailor to your personal interests and career development goals
  • Stay ahead of emerging trends and industry advancements.


Benefits for Enterprise

The world of work is changing and education has never been more important in developing the skills to increase competitive advantage and future proof the talent pipeline. Micro-credentials are small, accredited courses designed to meet the upskilling demands of learners and organisations enabling companies to attract, nurture and retain top talent. Micro-credentials are research-led, and are quality assured by Technological University Dublin. Learners may choose to undertake an individual micro-credential or continue studying, stacking their skills and knowledge over time.


HCI Micro-credentials at TU Dublin

TU Dublin has secured substantial funding for micro-credentials through the HCI Micro-Credential Course Learner Subsidy program.

The Higher Education Authority (HEA) under the Human Capital Initiative (HCI) Pillar 3, has provided €9.7 million to subsidise fees for up to 14,000 learners across 654 micro-credential courses across several higher education insitututions including TU Dublin. All courses are accredited by participating Higher Education institutions.


Addressing skills in key priority areas

The HCI Micro-Credential Course Learner Fee Subsidy offers a subsidy rate of up to 80% for courses addressing skills in key priority areas, including renewable energy, sustainability, construction and planning, artificial intelligence, cyber security, ICT, and electronic engineering. Other courses will provide a 50% learner subsidy rate.

Click on the link below for a full list of micro-credentials courses on offer at TU Dublin with details of how to apply.

HCI Micro-credentials at TU Dublin

Learn more

The Enterprise Academy

The Enterprise Academy is funded by the Higher Education Authority's HCI Pillar 3, a government programme designed to meet priority skills needs, by increasing collaboration between higher education and enterprise with a focus on innovations in teaching and learning.

We work with organisations and our TU Dublin experts to identify and/or create micro-credentials that can meet the emerging needs and trends of enterprise, while helping individual employees with upskilling and career development. For further information contact enterpriseacademy@tudublin.ie.


HCI Pillar 3 Logo HEA logo Enterprise Academy Logo, Convene Logo