Dr. Caitriona Delaney

Image for Dr. Caitriona Delaney

Research Officer

Email: caitriona.delaney@tudublin.ie

Caitriona Delaney is a Research Officer at RINCE at the Technological University of Dublin and currently working on two EU funded projects - EDIRE (https://edire.eu/) and NEXUS. Mainly involved in qualitative research, she has particular experience with narrative interviewing methods (composite narratives, narrative inquiry, narrative interviews). Caitriona also has experience with evaluation studies gained during her time working with NGOs. Her interests and experience include intersectionality, particularly the intersection of gender and socio-economic status, inequality and the labour market. Caitriona holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Dublin (Trinity College Dublin). She has been involved in a variety of projects in the areas of inequality.

Research Interests 

Narrative Inquiry, Intersection of Class and Gender, Stigma, Inequality

Select Publications

  • The Changing Lives Consortium. 2021. Final report on Outcomes, Process and
    Economic Evaluations.
  • McDonald, S. & Delaney, C. (2018) ‘How are they doing now?’ Well-Being amongst   14-year olds in Clondalkin.
Image for Dr. Caitriona Delaney