Dagmar Fischer

Image for Dagmar Fischer


Email: dagmar.fischer@tudublin.ie

Dagmar Fischer holds an MBS (Diplom-Kaufmann) from the University of Mannheim, Germany (1989), and an MA in German from UCD (1994). She has been teaching German at many different levels to business, tourism, science and engineering students since 1989. 

Deutschland Erleben, her German textbook for students in Ireland at 3rd level institutes, was published by Gill & MacMillan Publishers, Dublin, in 2000. 

Her research interests focus on the development of e-learning materials. Her website anyone4german.com is a free-of-charge, non-commercial interactive workbook for learners of German. Regularly expanded and updated, its activities go beyond simple multiple-choice and matching exercises. anyone4german.com uses authentic materials wherever possible to promote active learner engagement. 

Image for Dagmar Fischer