Pilar Molina

Image for Pilar Molina


Email: pilar.molina@tudublin.ie

Tel: 01 2205508

Teaching areas: Spanish Language and Literature 

Orcid id: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3118-6066 

Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pilar-Molina-2 

BA (Spanish, Literary Theory, Comparative Literature), Universidad Complutense Madrid; H. Dip in Education, Universidad Complutense Madrid; DEA, Universidad Complutense Madrid; PhD, University College Cork; Certificate E.L.E, Cervantes Institute, Dublin. 

Pilar has been a lecturer of Spanish in TU Dublin since 2016. She has taught Spanish in a variety of teaching environments such as Villa Balestra International College in Rome, the Spanish Department in NUI Galway, the Spanish Department in NUI Maynooth and the Applied Language Centre in UCD.    

She has gained a broad teaching experience at third level, teaching courses such as Spanish Language (A1-C1), Grammar, Spanish Studies, The Short Novel in Spain and South America, 20th Century Spanish poetry, Spanish Studies, Introduction to Translation, Spanish for Business and Current Affairs. The teaching programmes she has devised are in-depth, to ensure students are proactively able to grow in the learning of Spanish language and literature while fostering critical thinking, active learner engagement and growth mindset. 

Her principal research interests lie in the field of 20th Century Spanish Literature, specifically poetry under Franco and Spanish Civil War poetry. Her other research interests are 20th Century Spanish Literary Canons, Sustainable Literacy in Language Teaching and Learning, Telecollaboration, Women Studies, Methodologies teaching Spanish as a foreign language and 20th Century Comparative Literature. 

20th Century Spanish Literature 

She was a Contributing Editor in The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies 2017-2020. She wrote a yearly article consisting of bibliographic reviews of academic works published in the field of Spanish Studies: Literature, 1936-1975.  

20th Century Spanish Poetry 

She has contributed to several publications on 20th Century Spanish Literature. However, her main publication in this area has been a monograph on Spanish Civil War poetry: La poética de la poesía de la guerra civil española: diversidad en la unidad (Peter Lang, 2016). This publication was positively reviewed in the journals Iberoamericana. América Latina. España. Portugal XVII, 65, (2017), pp. 304-5 by Sergio Arlandis and Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 95, (2018), pp.170-71 by Elena Cueto Asín.  

20th Century Comparative Literature 

She has published an edited volume on Spanish Civil War comparative poetry, La poesía de la guerra civil Española: una perspectiva comparatista (Peter Lang, 2020). Numerous scholarly books have been published studying this poetry but hardly any attempt has been made to explore this poetry from a comparative point of view  

She participated in a research group called Gilave in Universidad Complutense Madrid. Their main research area was the adventure of travelling and its writings. Pilar’s project was La imagen de Roma en la narrativa del siglo XX: el espacio como elemento configurador. She did the research in Rome while lecturing in Villa Balestra International Institute.  

Sustainable Literacy in Language Teaching and Learning 

She is an editor of a special issue in the journal Language Learning in Higher Education (LLHE) 12.2 2022 on Sustainability literacy in language learning and teaching. 


Image for Pilar Molina