Sustainability Education Toolkit


At the heart of TU Dublin Strategic Intent 2030 is the United Nations’ 4th Sustainable Development Goal - SDG 4 Quality Education. SDG 4 is an enabler to making all 17 UN SDGs relevant at faculty, school, discipline, and programme level.

This Sustainability Toolkit is designed to provide users with a choice of educational resources relevant to sustainable development, enabling academic staff to embed sustainability within the curricula. The toolkit is an ever-evolving resource, which will be updated as newer, more relevant or effective resources become available. New resources will be added to also support Professional Services staff deliver TU Dublin’s sustainability goals, for example the climate action targets as set out in the Climate Action Roadmap.


Section 1: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) – The Basics

Section 1 is designed for the user to assess their own level of sustainability literacy. This section provides resources that you can explore to increase your own awareness of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and your sustainability literacy. You can use the resources in this section to incorporate the key principles into your practice and to help students learn about the SDGs.


Adopted by all UN members in 2015, the SDGs provide a comprehensive framework for solving the most pressing challenges facing humanity and promoting sustainable development worldwide.

The SDGs consist of 17 goals, 169 targets and 241 indicators. Explore this interactive website to learn more about each of the SDGs.

The SDG Moment places an annual spotlight on the progress related to the SDGs – there are eight years left in the decade of decisive action.

Explore the UN SDGs library of resources related to each of the 17 SDGs.

Ireland's progress against each goal is measured using a set of United Nations (UN) global and European Union (EU) agreed targets and indicators. Learn more on national progress towards the goals and other related initiatives.

The government has mandated the Central Statistics Office (CSO) to lead on tracking Ireland’s progress towards the SDGs. The CSO website has statistical publications and infographics based on publicly available data relating to the UN SDGs. Here teaching staff can access material for class projects, discussions, and research work.

Our World in Data is a comprehensive database on a broad range of environmental and social issues. The SDG Tracker Tool is dedicated to tracking global and country-specific progress on the SDGs, and allows users to access dynamic maps, tables and charts.

The SDG Wedding Cake - This concept shows the biosphere as the foundation of economies and societies and as the basis of all SDGs. The illustration describes how economies and societies should be seen as embedded parts of the biosphere. This vision is a move away from the current sectorial approach where social, economic, and ecological development are seen as separate parts.

SDG Wedding cake The SDG Wedding Cake source: Azote for Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University CC BY-ND 3.0.

Bringing Data to Life is a flip book that collects and showcases the faces and stories behind the data found in global figures on the SDGs.

Planetary Boundaries provide a scientific framework and understanding of the Earth's ecological limits, highlighting the environmental boundaries within which humanity must operate to maintain a stable and sustainable planet.  

Watch the summary of ‘Breaking the Boundaries’ documentary that focuses on understanding the planetary boundaries and outline actions we must take to minimise the negative impact of our actions on the planet. 


Earth Overshoot Day - Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that year. 


The Carbon Hero Carbon Calculator  is a five-minute test with questions divided in three sections: Housing, Travel and Consumption. Users can calculate their own carbon footprint and get tips on reducing their carbon footprint.

Well-being and the SDGs – This article by Social Justice Ireland looks at Ireland’s Well-being Framework and the SDGs. Here students can analyse Ireland's progress towards the SDGs and compare Ireland's performance to other European countries. 

Read the Ireland’s Well-being Framework 2023 report - Ireland’s Well-being Framework allows consideration of progress in Ireland across economic, environmental and social issues, rather than considering these issues sequentially or in isolation.

Climate change will affect people and places in different ways, bringing about inequalities between and within countries and communities, which could lead to conflict between current and future generations. Here the Youth Council of Ireland (NYCF) explain how climate change will lead to injustice. 

Universities and Social Inequalities in the Global South 2021 - Read the UN Research Institute for Social Development Research and Policy Brief which focuses on the Global South, in the international context, and includes comparisons with Europe. 

Listen to Climate Justice – podcasts


Explore the Doughnut Economics website to learn more about doughnut economics and the tools that businesses and communities can use. 

A healthy economy should be designed to thrive, not grow – watch this TED Talk from Kate Raworth on doughnut economics.

Circular Economy

Through design, we can eliminate waste and pollution, circulate products and materials, and regenerate nature, creating an economy that benefits people, business and the natural world.  

Dollar Street - this interactive resource allows users to see how families from across the World live, on different levels of income. 

Carbon Trust -  This website provides valuable resources and tools that relate to carbon reduction for businesses.  

Systems thinking - This collection of key insights and tools explores how to develop and advance a systems mindset for dealing with complex problem solving and transitioning to the circular economy. 

Creating the Big Shift – System Innovation for Sustainability. We need a big shift in systems to create a sustainable future. This guide shows us practical steps that help to shift the system. 

Futures Thinking This video from Kantar outlines key futures thinking principles.



Remembering climate change - a message from the year 2071 

Coming to us from 50 years into the future, sci-fi writer Kim Stanley Robinson tells the 'history' of how humanity ended the climate crisis and restored the damage done to Earth's biosphere. This is a very good example of futures thinking - imagining the futures which then helps us to design our business or other activities in order to get to that preferred future. 

Section 2: Embedding SDGs into programmes and modules

In Section 2, users can access resources to learn more about embedding the SDGs into academic programmes and modules. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is an approach to education that aims to empower individuals with the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes necessary to contribute to a more sustainable and resilient future. In addition to SDG related knowledge, we need to develop our own and our learner’s sustainability mindsets.



Step 1

Audit your existing programme or modules, and think about your competencies  



Step 2  

To create your own strategy for most impactful teaching, learning and assessment, explore sections 3 and 4 below to help embed SDGs in your practice



Step 3

Re-formulate your programme/module learning outcomes with a focus on enhancing learners’ sustainability competences



Section 3: Case studies and Best Practice Examples

This section showcases case studies and examples of best practice from colleagues in TU Dublin and other universities. Explore, be inspired and incorporate new ideas into your practice. Please use the MS form to provide feedback or submit new resources.



Faculty of Computing, Digital and Data



Faculty of Business



Faculty of Arts and Humanities



Media-focused Resources



Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment


Faculty of Sciences & Health



Inter-Disciplinary Collaborations Examples


Watch short presentations from colleagues and students from across TU Dublin about how they embedded sustainability literacy into their practice


Section 4: Supports to Embed SDGs





Sulitest is an interactive and engaging platform to raise and measure awareness of sustainable development. TU Dublin have an institutional account allowing students and staff to use Sulitest for free. To set up Sulitest for use by a group of students or staff please contact a member of the Sustainability Education Team.


Useful Networks

Sustainability Education - TU Dublin is an institutional member of two major global networks for sustainability in higher education: AASHE and EAUC

Community Engaged Research and Learning: Living Knowledge Network and Campus Engage.





From 01 September 2023 workshops will be provided by the Sustainability Education Team to assist Faculties and Schools to embed sustainability within the curriculum. Please email the relevant contact to arrange a workshop.