
The School of Media and Conservatoire at TU Dublin are delighted to present

That's Class Heading

– Room EQ 002 East Quad TU Dublin Grangegorman 17th May 2024

The Creative industries are a key employment sector for Ireland, accounting for 8.9% of national employment, placing our creative industries employment quotient as the second highest in the EU (Creative Ireland 2024). However, issues of inequity in the creative industries have been evident, measurable and emergent in discourse in recent years.

While there has rightly been much attention on the wider issues of EDI, the issues of class, class inequality and access to the Creative industries in Ireland has been somewhat understudied.

This symposium will seek to critically examine the deep-rooted impact of class inequality across all sections of the Creative industries in Ireland and its impact on the art and media we make.

Registration is free, and a light lunch will be provided but please register in advance by completing the linked form


9am registration

9.15 opening remarks


Session 1 Policy and Methods

Michael Pierce: Working-class writing in Ireland today: personal testimonies, research gaps, and mapping the road ahead

Sorca McDonnell: Researching class from within- reflections on a cooperative inquiry of working-class women exploring class and education in Ireland.

Connell Vaughan: The Middle-Class Rip-Off”? Subsiding Culture in Contemporary Ireland

11.00-11.30 coffee break

11.30-12.30 Keynote address Sen Lynn Ruane - The importance of working-class voices in art and media.

12.30 -1.30 Lunch

1.30 Spotlight on Undergraduate research:

Jake McLaughlin Runner-loving looters: An analysis of media representations of class in the 2023 Dublin riots.

1.40 - 3.15 Session 2: Representations of Class.

Clara Mallon and Salomé Paul: Emerging From The Silence: Working-class Women in Irish Theatre

Andrea Cleary: "Women Supporting Women": discussions of collective feminist music activism in Irish media.

Angela Mehegan: Class, Taste, and Identity in Mid-Twentieth Century Irish Domestic Interiors

Ciara Murphy – Class and Irishness: Performing and Problematising Stereotypes of Contemporary Irish Nationalism

3.15-3.30 break

3.30 - 4.30 Session 3 Structural barriers in the Creative and media industries – the impact of class.

Stephanie Costello: "The Garda are hated, so are the newspapers" - Understanding the socio-cultural context of low media trust and Dublin's working class.

Yvonne Kiely: “It’s the best person for the job”: Class, gender, race, and the practices of music organisations in Ireland

Caroline O’Sullivan and Mary Ann Bolger: Class and the Screen Industries: The Unspoken barriers to entry into the sector.

4.30 Screening of short film The Cleaner

4.45 Closing remarks and future plans.

For further information contact the symposium conveners Dr Caroline O’Sullivan (School of Media) and Dr Ciara Murphy (Conservatoire)

That's Class symposium image poster

Registration is open to attend the CAO Open Day Events taking place in our Grangegorman, Blanchardstown and Tallaght Campuses in April 2024.

Don't miss this opportunity to find out more about our courses and ask all the relevant questions to our lecturers!


SymPRandA 2024 - PR and the SDGs: Developing Trust and Buy-In

PR and the SDGs: Developing Trust and Buy-In Symposium organised by MAPR at TUDublin

The Public Relations master's degree at Technological University Dublin is proud to announce its second annual Symposium in Public Relations and Public Affairs (SymPRandA): "PR and the SDGs: Developing Trust and Buy-In". Scheduled for 18 April 2024, this event explores the vital intersection between Public Relations (PR) strategies and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In today's interconnected world, businesses, organisations, and governments are increasingly expected to align their operations with sustainable practices outlined by the United Nations' SDGs. Effective communication and public relations play a crucial role in fostering understanding, trust, and support for these initiatives. This symposium will delve into the strategies and tactics necessary to navigate this complex landscape successfully.

Led by industry experts and academic scholars, the symposium will feature insightful discussions and academic projects.

Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with leading professionals in the field, gain valuable insights and network with peers who share a common interest in promoting sustainability through effective communication strategies. We are delighted to have Dr. Lisa Koep, Chief ESG Officer at Tirlán (formerly Glanbia Ireland), as keynote speaker.

Dr Kevin Hora, Head of Discipline, Journalism and Communications in TU Dublin’s School of Media said: “For 25 years, the MA in Public Relations has fostered debate about vital issues in society and practice. SymPRandA 2024 continues that tradition with this timely and necessary exploration of the role of strategic communications as an essential component of sustainability.”

The event takes place at TU Dublin’s Grangegorman campus on the 18th of April, 2024. Registration is now open, and early booking is encouraged. For more information and to reserve a place, please contact

Schedule for SymPrandA symposium





Save the date for the School of Media Graduate Shows. These will take place in all 3 campuses:

  • Blanchardstown: 22nd to 23rd May
  • City: 30th May
  • Tallaght: 18th to 25th of May

More details to follow soon!

Tallaght grad show invitation


BA (Hons)

Media Production & Digital Arts

Degree Show 2024

Official Launch: 3pm, Saturday 18 May

Location: Rua Red

South Dublin Arts Centre, Tallaght

Runs daily (except Sunday) 10am – 6pm to Saturday 25 May.

Intersect CDM Grad Show Invitation

The School of Media would like to invite you to the launch of the Creative Digital Media Graduate Show, INTERSECT 2024. Launching Thursday, May 23rd at 6:30pm at the TU Dublin Blanchardstown Campus.

See our latest batch of Graduates showcasing a range of multidisciplinary projects across the spectrum of Digital Media, from Documentaries, Audio Projects, Motion Graphics and Game Design to Branding, Interactive Web, Digital Marketing and App Design in their final year show.

Join us for a celebration of these students and their innovative and creative journey over the last four years.



GradX General Invitation Web

Opening night: Thursday, 30th May, 6:00 – 9:00pm

Opens daily: 31st May – 8th June, 10:00am – 5:00pm

We are delighted to welcome you to GradX, the Graduate Exhibition of the TU Dublin School of Art and Design, School of Media and the TU Dublin Conservatoire.

For the third year running, we are hosting our exhibition at the East Quad, a vibrant creative and cultural hub nestled in the heart of TU Dublin’s Grangegorman Campus. This location is not only home to our state-of-the-art new studios, workshops, and practice and performance spaces, but also provides a unique backdrop for our GradX exhibition.

The exhibition is the highlight of the academic year for students and staff and features an exciting, innovative range of work from over 200 degree students from our programmes in Fine Art, Product Design (in partnership with the School of Mechanical Engineering), Interior and Furniture Design, Visual Merchandising, Visual Communication Design, Creative Industries and Visual Culture, Film and Broadcasting, Game Design, Photography, and Journalism. This year, we are also joined by the TU Dublin Conservatoire, which will host several performances from graduates in music and screenings representing drama and opera.

The work presented in this exhibition, print publication and on our GradX website represents the culmination of many years of full-time study, and allows our students to showcase the results of their imaginations, hard work and significant creative skills.

Find out more here - TU Dublin Graduate Exhibition 2024 (

TU Dublin GradX 2024 showcases Media graduates’

individual and collective identities


The School of Media joins with the Schools of Art and Design, Mechanical and Design Engineering and, participating for first time, the Conservatoire to present GradX 2024, the annual exhibition showcasing our city campus graduate work. The event opens in East Quad, Grangegorman, on Thursday, May 30 at 6pm and runs until June 8, and showcases work from Media students pursuing degrees in journalism, film and broadcasting, photography and game design.


BA (Hons) in Journalism picked up the prestigious Magazine of the Year award at the Student Media Awards (Smedias) for their magazine Currently. A current affairs magazine for Gen Z, Currently’s well-crafted journalism shows the future of Irish journalism is in good hands.


Nominated for a Smedia for 'Documentary of the Year' Diana Lazar’s radio documentary, The Real Cinderella, tells the story of Cinderella, born to a Filipino mother and Dutch father, who escaped their controlling influence to find her own happy ever after. Jake McLoughlin’s self-confessed Gen Z mind, meanwhile, never really got the whole Elvis thing. His radio documentary, The King's Not Dead, tracks down Ireland’s biggest Elvis fans to understand why the music continues to get us all shook up more than four decades after his death.


From the BA (Hons) in Film & Broadcasting, Amber McGrath's film, Magpie, raises the issue of social isolation and how those on either side of the generation gap have more in common than they know. Sadbh Downes’ Smedia-award winning GOLOUD Podcast of the year, On the Menu: Irish Edition, takes the listener on a gustatory journey into the Irish culinary scene. Conor Boers' All I Have To Say embraces the poetic documentary form as a space for people to say those things they never did, but never really left behind.


Ciara Richardson's photographic project How would you like it to happen to you? uses intricate montage strategies in a a playful archival investigation of male gender stereotypes. Jessica Flynn's Beyond the Walls investigates her family's deep connection to the city of

Derry. David Otruba's What Happened to the Canary in the Quarry represents the idea of anthropogenic climate change through a series of landscape photographs.


Head of the School of Media, Dr Caroline Ann O’Sullivan said: ‘This work, the culmination of four challenging years, showcases our graduates’ tremendous creative and technical talent, resilience and professionalism. We place an emphasis in the School on work that is creative, innovative, socially engaged and that places a critical lens over important matters in Irish society, the projects you see showcased exemplify that ethos. To the students exhibiting their work, your dedication, hard work, and creativity have brought you to this momentous occasion, and we couldn't be prouder of each and every one of you”.


The GradX identity, created by Visual Communication students Eilis Espina, Miriam Hurley, Sarah McEvilly and Ying Qi Tang, symbolises individual students using dispersed letterforms, which converge as words and phrases to represent their voices and showcase their individual and collective identities among over 200 students in fields ranging from fine art, product design, interior design, furniture design, visual merchandising, visual communication design, journalism, film and broadcasting, photography and game design.

The School of Media invites early career designers to a free virtual panel discussion with leading design experts on June 11th, from 1pm-2pm.
Join us to learn about:
  • Key Skills: Discover the top skills that design hiring managers are seeking.
  • Portfolio Tips: Learn what makes a portfolio truly stand out.
  • Interview Insights: Understand what to expect in a design job interview.
Gain inspiration from the personal career stories of successful design leaders:
  • Rachel Earley: Innovation & Research Design Director - The Dock, Accenture’s Global Centre for Innovation
  • Leonardo Caetano: Senior Product Design Manager - Workhuman
  • Jonathon Colman: Senior Design Manager - Content Design Practice Lead, HubSpot
This event is a great opportunity to hear directly from top hiring managers and design leaders as they share expert tips and insights to help you launch and advance your design career. 
We look forward to seeing you there!
Career Skills Roundtable Getting Hired in UX and Product Design