IEO Centre Lazer, FOCAS

Researcher Training & Development

Researcher Career Development

In TU Dublin we value our researchers as the lymph of our research activities and promote their professional development through formal and informal training. The Researcher Career Development Framework 2024 (RCDF) supports researchers to identify the key knowledge, skills, and personal attributes they need to develop and enhance as they progress through their research careers.

Our Framework encourages the progression of our researchers through the different career stages and is founded around 3 pillars:

TU Dublin was awarded the HR Excellence in Research in January 2024.

The HR Strategy for Researchers was launched by the European Commission to support the implementation of the 40 Principles of the ‘European Charter for Researchers’ and ‘Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers’. The European Commission's ''HR Excellence in Research'' accreditation recognises institutions that have signed the ''European Charter for Researchers'' and the ''Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers''.

Learn more about the HR Strategy for Researchers.

Please refer to the Graduate Research School

Training on Open Research is provided by the Open Research Support Unit. You can contact the team here.