TU Dublin brass sign on East Quad building

School Contact Details

Have a question about a specific school or course? Our teams are here to answer your questions and help with any issues you have.

Faculty of Arts & Humanities

School Email Phone
School of Art & Design school.artanddesign@tudublin.ie +353 (01) 220 6164
Conservatoire conservatoire@tudublin.ie +353 (01) 220 5031
School of Culinary Arts & Food Technology scaft@tudublin.ie +353 (01) 220 5775 /
+353 (01) 220 8603
School of Media school.media@tudublin.ie +353 (01) 220 8127 /
+353 (01) 220 6194
School of Social Sciences, Law & Education socialsciences@tudublin.ie +353 (01) 220 8477 /
+353 (01) 220 5156
School of Tourism & Hospitality Management tourism.hospitality@tudublin.ie +353 (01) 220 5774 /
+353 (01) 220 6294
Language Studies languagestudies.ah@tudublin.ie -

Faculty of Business

School Email Phone
Graduate Business School graduatebusiness@tudublin.ie + 353 (01) 220 6353
School of Accounting, Economics & Finance school.aef@tudublin.ie -
School of Business Technology, Retail & Supply Chain school.btrsc@tudublin.ie + 353 (01) 220 8460
School of Global Business school.globalbusiness@tudublin.ie + 353 (01) 220 6358
School of Management, People & Organisations school.mpo@tudublin.ie -
School of Marketing & Entrepreneurship school.me@tudublin.ie +353 (01) 220 6411 /
+353 (01) 220 8374

Faculty of Computing, Digital & Data

School Email Phone
School of Computer Science school.cs@tudublin.ie -
School of Enterprise Computing & Digital Transformation school.ecdt@tudublin.ie -
School of Informatics & Cybersecurity school.ics@tudublin.ie +353 (01) 220 7314
School of Mathematics & Statistics maths.admin@tudublin.ie +353 (01) 220 5696

Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment

School Email Phone
School of Architecture, Building & Environment school.sabe@tudublin.ie +353 (01) 220 6584
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering


School of Mechanical Engineering school.mechanicalengineering@tudublin.ie +353 (01) 220 6573
School of Surveying & Construction Innovation surveying@tudublin.ie -
School of Transport & Civil Engineering school.tce@tudublin.ie +353 (01) 220 8488

Faculty of Sciences & Health

School Email Phone
School of Biological, Health & Sports Sciences biologicalsciences@tudublin.ie -
School of Chemical & BioPharmaceutical Sciences school.cbps@tudublin.ie -
School of Food Science & Environmental Health school.fseh@tudublin.ie -
School of Physics, Clinical & Optometric Sciences admin.physics@tudublin.ie -